Team Margot has always encouraged people to not only sign up as donors, but then to also encourage others to do the same. It’s our ‘Just One More’ challenge and we know how effective this behaviour can be and remarkably, how it can result in life saving outcomes.
In August 2014, a few months after Margot had her bone marrow transplant, both DKMS and Anthony Nolan reported a significant rise in the number of people joining the stem cell and bone marrow registers as potential lifesavers, as a direct result of Team Margot’s initial ‘Just One More’ campaign.
At the time, DKMS observed:
“What is particularly striking is the three-fold increase so far in the number of people attributing encouragement by a friend or family member as the reason that they have registered their interest in joining the UK Stem Cell Registry as a potential donor.
We are really pleased that we are still seeing this continued increased rate, a week after the initial promotion of this campaign, instigated by the family of Margot Martini.
If you haven’t already encouraged another person to consider registering, please think about doing so – they could save someone’s life one day, all because of your action now.”
In the same month, during the course of one week, Anthony Nolan reported a 300% increase in donor applications, again in direct response to Team Margot’s Just One More campaign.
It’s hugely uplifting to learn that once people have taken the personal decision to act and to become a donor, they are then more inclined to double down on their initial action to help save and improve lives by seizing the ‘Just One More’ challenge in significant numbers. It’s truly wonderful.
Thank you and please keep spreading the word !
We appreciate that it’s always challenging to get others to take action; even if someone doesn’t sign up straight away, you should know that as a result of your efforts and your encouragement there’s an improved awareness around the need for more donors of all kinds and particularly for those from an ethnic minority or with mixed / multiple ethnicities. Rome wasn’t built in a day and people need to respond in their own time and in their own way.
If you haven’t already registered as a blood, organ, stem cell and bone marrow donor, please now do so (particularly if you are of a mixed ethnic background) and if you have, please encourage Just One More person to do the same. To learn how, see ‘How to Register’ below.
THANK YOU so much again for your support.
VIDEO: Click the image below to see our ‘Just One More’ appeal on Sky News, with Margot – 22 May 2014
Team Margot’s mission
To help save and improve lives by educating, inspiring and motivating people, especially from ethnically diverse communities, to register as blood, organ and stem cell donors.