Margot enjoying the Singing Hands (again !) in Robin Ward at GOSH during isolation, post-BMT in March 2014
One of the big challenges that we faced during the in-patient months at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), was keeping Margot engaged and stimulated.
Indeed, during the parents briefing session in the lead up to the start of Margot’s stint in isolation pre-transplant, the following point was made quite strongly to both Vicki and I: that the Bone Marrow Transplant team tends to see better results in terms of post transplant recovery if the patient is active and stimulated.
Of course, we immediately resolved to do just that, however practically it wasn’t easy ! Keeping a toddler constantly active & stimulated within the confines of a single room & ensuite bathroom for 8 weeks was tricky.
Tracy & Suzanne, A.K.A. the Singing Hands
One of the key things that helped to keep Margot interested, active and learning, even during times when she was weak and tired, was the Singing Hands.
Suzanne & Tracy of the Singing Hands are icons within the GOSH TV entertainment system and within the child learning genre generally. Their singing whilst signing videos were a fun and clever way for Margot to develop, learn and play. Margot loved watching their videos and signing along over and over again. And again !
We were extremely fortunate to meet Tracy & Suzanne in person and for them to come and sing to Margot on a couple of occasions. These were among the magical experiences & moments.
The recent Singing Hands Christmas show was incredible for many reasons, not least that they have raised around £4,000 for the Shooting Stars Chase hospice, which is one of the charities we are supporting – these funds will be sent in memory of Margot. Even better still, at the end of their Christmas show, Suzanne & Tracy talked about Margot and encouraged all the hundreds of people there to visit and find out how to register as potential stem cell donors.
A trailer of the Singing Hands Christmas 2014 show is below along with a short family video taken when Suzanne & Tracy came to visit Margot – for more on the Singing Hands please visit:
Thank you Suzanne & Tracy !
p.s. This short video was taken at GOSH after having literally, bumped into the Singing Hands in the corridor… Margot LOVED it.
You can save a life.
Please consider joining the stem cell registry as a potential donor. The easiest way is a painless, five minute online registration following which you have roughly a 1 in 1,200 chance of doing something heroic: actually becoming a donor and having the opportunity to save someone’s life.
We know from Margot’s experience that there are no guarantees, however you can still gift someone more time with their family and loved ones.
The stem cell is the only organ to replenish itself. The benefits of donation far outweigh the actual or perceived inconvenience.
If you’re ineligible to register or if you have done so already, please encourage Just One More person to do the same, particularly if they’re of mixed race / genealogy. Margot’s mixed family background was one of the key reasons it wasn’t possible for her to find a perfect match.
There are 37,000 people worldwide who, right now, are in desperate need of a blood stem cell donor, including 1,800 people in the UK alone.
Only 50% of people with a blood cancer ever find a suitable match.
It needn’t be that way.
Please SHARE this link:
Thank you.
Husband to Vicki and father to Oscar (2007), Rufus (2008), Digby (2015), Humphrey (2017) & Margot (2012-2014)
Team Margot’s mission
To help save and improve lives by educating, inspiring and motivating people, especially from ethnically diverse communities, to register as blood, organ and stem cell donors.