Yesterday evening I attended the DKMS Make a Spark corporate awards event overlooking the beautiful night views of London from The Shard.
It was a great night full of inspirational speeches and awards to fantastic individuals who have helped register people as potential stem cell and bone marrow donors and /or who have raised money for DKMS to help them process these registrations.
However it was also an extremely emotional evening as DKMS held it’s first UK patient-donor meeting. At the best of times, this type of meeting is a tearjerker but this coming together was more poignant as the donor, Aysha registered during Margot’s campaign back in 2014.
Meeting both Aysha and Peter, the recipient of her amazing stem cells, was both exciting and moving. It was also lovely to meet their families and others who had donated too.
I always find it quite emotional hearing of people who registered because of Margot and I’m always encouraged when those who are contacted as a match follow through with donating their stem cells. This is regardless of their fears of needles, any anxiety they may have around the donation process, and the normal self-imposed pressure that goes with having such responsibility on your shoulders… or should I say within you.
Over the 6 week period of Margot’s campaign over 35,000 people registered as potential bone marrow / stem cell donors. Statistically this means that during the next ten years, more than 500 people will now have the chance of a potentially life saving bone marrow / stem cell transplant.
We don’t always know when someone is a match so it’s always lovely when those who have donated their stem cells or bone marrow reach out to us. For example, just this morning I’ve heard that two more people are being tested as potential donors – how wonderful.
So to all those who registered during Margot’s campaign, to those who continue to encourage others to do the same, and to the future potential donors that we may or may not hear of – THANK YOU. It makes what we do at Team Margot all the more worthwhile and is a fitting legacy to Margot, herself.
Team Margot’s mission
To help save and improve lives by educating, inspiring and motivating people, especially from ethnically diverse communities, to register as blood, organ, stem cell and bone marrow donors and to provide a range of support to families caring for child cancer patients.