March 8, 2015

New Team Margot Record

Yasmin Ama organised today's donor registration event...

Yasmin Ama organised today’s donor registration event…

... at Donhead Preparatory School in Wimbledon

… at Donhead Preparatory School in Wimbledon

with Delete Blood Cancer UK

with Caroline Portlock from Delete Blood Cancer UK

Another 58 new potential stem cell donors were added to the UK bone marrow register this afternoon in Wimbledon and another £2,000.46 was raised for Delete Blood Cancer UK – which is a new Team Margot fundraising record per registration, equivalent to £34.49.

Every registration costs £40 so this outcome means that the combined fundraising efforts from today will pay for all but 8 of todays registrations – which is a superb result.

Thank you & well done to Yaz and all the volunteers from today and to everyone who supported and helped make the day such a success.


Team Margot

Together, saving lives

Those brown bags contain 58 new swab kits & registrations

Those brown bags contain 58 new swab kits & registrations

Funds were raised via a cake sale...

Funds were raised via a cake sale…

... the sale of Margot Bows (thank you Matilda !)

… the sale of Margot Bows (thank you Matilda !)

... and Team Margot pins and wristbands

… and Team Margot pins and wristbands

Oscar & Rufus turn up to help...

Oscar & Rufus turn up to help…

Spot the joker.

Spot the joker.

A team of people headed down the road to the local church to spread the word - well done in particular to Mairead !

A team of people headed down the road to the local church to spread the word – Thank you everyone & special thanks in particular to Mairead !


Husband to Vicki and father to Oscar (2007), Rufus (2008), Digby (2015), Humphrey (2017) & Margot (2012-2014)

Posted in: Journal