Dear Team Margot Supporter
Team Margot was a desperate reaction to a situation thrust upon our family.
Our progress since forming the charity has been homespun and the trustees recognise that going forward, in order to scale and remain strategically relevant, a more focused plan is required.
We are proud to share with you the Impact Report conducted by Skylark Works and Oxford University that many of you contributed towards – thank you again. This helps us better understand what we have done well and also identifies the “gaps” where we can do better.
To read our Impact Report in full and access the “at a glance” summary and infographic, please click here.
Three Year Strategic Plan
Following the recommendations made in the Impact Report and also a review of Team Margot’s values, vision and mission, we outline below what the charity is seeking to achieve and how we intend to execute our plan from now until the end of 2023.
The goals set, have been agreed by the trustees as ‘stretching’ but achievable over time. They represent the highest level of ambition, given realistic and available resources.
There has been a shift in focus from the early days of simply rallying for more people to join the stem cell register, to one that finds the team working towards educating young people about the importance of all forms of donation, including blood and organ donation in addition to stem cell and bone marrow donation.
In part, this work occurs via an education programme for children of primary school ages, with a particular focus on those from ethnically diverse communities – where the level of those registering as donors is dwarfed by those requiring donations.
Team Margot Foundation
April 2021
Our Values
At all times, we will hold honesty and integrity at the centre of our activities and act in a transparent, ethical and accountable manner.
We aim to be considered a kind, benevolent, and empathetic organisation that enriches the communities we work with.
Through strong leadership, support and a desire to collaborate for maximum impact, we will engender the respect of other charity partners.
As an organisation we are committed to being passionate and purposeful, yet patient, to be as impactful as possible.
Our actions will always be conducted whilst being mindful of our impact on the world at large.
Our Vision
A world where every human being in need, regardless of background, can equally access effective and timely donations of blood, organs, stem cells and bone marrow.
Our Mission
To help save and improve lives by educating, inspiring and motivating people, especially from ethnically diverse communities, to register as donors and to provide a range of support to families caring for child cancer patients.
1. Increase the number of Blood, Organ, Stem cell and Bone marrow donors
Lobby for a single, clear set of recruitment criteria for living stem cell & bone marrow donor recruitment in the UK
• To regularly meet with politicians & officials to pursue this goal
• Liaise with the existing UK registers & related stakeholder groups in this regard
• Ensure that Team Margot plays its part in the debates around bone marrow stem cell recruitment in the UK
Improve public knowledge and perception about donations
• “signposting” to accredited information relating to donation, via our various channels
• Regularly sharing information relating to the need for blood, organ, stem cell and bone marrow donations
• Myth busting inaccurate information about donations by sharing clear factual information about donation
• Continuing to contribute to the regular ‘World Marrow Donor Association’ workshops
To influence significant and meaningful change in attitudes towards registration
• By continuing to share Margot’s story
• Sharing information that underscores the need for more donor diversity
• Sharing stories relating to the need for more blood, organ, stem cell and bone marrow donors from ethnically diverse communities
• Introducing and educating primary aged children so that registering as a stem cell, bone marrow, blood and organ donor becomes a rite of passage.
Increase confidence about donations generally
• Sharing both donor and patient “success” stories
• Sharing “donor get donor” stories to help normalise this behaviour
To encourage confidence from people within ethnically diverse communities to talk about, sign up and donate
• by continuing our ongoing relationship with the Peer Outreach Team (part of the Education and Youth Team) at City Hall
• Sharing stories with visuals relating to the patient need within ethnically diverse communities
• Sharing success stories of people from ethnically diverse communities
Deliver an accredited education programme to Primary schools
• by maintaining and improving the existing ‘Giving to help others’ library of educational resources
• by retaining and continuing to build upon our existing relationship with Kidzania, London
• by engaging primary school teachers
• by engaging parents and carers to share the education programme within their children’s Primary schools
To Lobby for mandated education promoting donation in the Primary school curriculum
• To write to politicians and officials in pursuit of this goal
• Liaise with related stakeholder groups in this regard
To “keep the door open” to Team Margot’s ‘Proposal for the collection of Bone Marrow Stem Cells from deceased donors’
• To lobby NHSBT and other stakeholders to include and retain this proposal on their strategic agenda, with the longer term aim of practical adoption
2. Provide support for families or carers of child cancer patients
To continue and expand the provision of emergency grants for families or carers of child cancer patients
• To provide annual grant allocations for 2021 (x40), 2022 (x60) and 2023 (x100) via our hospital network of trusted referrers
• To share the free Parkdean Resorts holiday offer with families and carers of child cancer patients
To provide comfort and hope to families or carers of child cancer patients
• to continue to share Margot’s family story
3. Build the capacity of Team Margot
By seeking “annuity-type funding” to financially support the work of Team Margot Foundation on an ongoing basis
Review the human resource of Team Margot to ensure the capability to deliver the above
• Formulate a plan to deliver ‘Giving to help others’ to the c.23,000 UK Primary schools
• Seek support from our partners at NHSBT to establish what resources might be shared
Deliver the results of the human resource review
• by September 2021
Provide improved communication facilities for stakeholders
• Re-order & make changes to to improve clarity of message
• Communicate clearly what stakeholders and supporters can do to support Team Margot
Review the relevance of communications resources and implement results
• Consider recommended actions arising from our March 2021 Impact Report
• make improvements to ‘Giving to help others’ and Team Margot’s various channels to improve their relevance, monitoring & communication capabilities
Success Metrics
For Team Margot to have an ongoing positive impact on the UK stem cell and wider donor registers
To engage regularly with stakeholders
To recruit more relevant trustees onto the board and in doing so, increase our talent bank, diversity and impact on our mission
Seek to increase our social media audience by 10% each year
Aim to have the ‘Giving to help others’ education programme adopted by the majority of primary schools in the UK
For Team Margot to be recognised as key players in the lobbying for a single, clear set of recruitment criteria for living stem cell and bone marrow donor recruitment
Regular meetings with politicians and officials linked with donation
Using our media channels to regularly share information relating to the need for blood, organ, stem cell and bone marrow donation
Aim to secure “annuity-type funding” to financially support the work of Team Margot Foundation
Husband to Vicki and father to Oscar (2007), Rufus (2008), Digby (2015), Humphrey (2017) & Margot (2012-2014)
Team Margot’s mission
To help save and improve lives by educating, inspiring and motivating people, especially from ethnically diverse communities, to register as blood, organ, stem cell and bone marrow donors and to provide a range of support to families caring for child cancer patients.