October 11, 2014

Not a good day after all


Margot’s bone marrow aspirate procedure earlier this week & the subsequent marrow test proved disappointing. In the event, it was not a good day after all.

The initial marrow test has revealed leukaemic blasts in about 95% of her marrow – which is effectively what the doctors expected to see.

And to compound matters, blood culture results back that day also confirmed that Margot’s line infection remains, so she didn’t come home on Tuesday and instead remains at GOSH on IV antibiotics, pending another operation.

Transferring from Safari Ward (day care) to Elephant Ward for an inpatient stay

Transferring from Safari Ward (day care) to Elephant Ward for an inpatient stay

This is the same pseudomonas infection that we were hoping had been dispatched by 10 days of IV antibiotics. The pseudomonas is “stuck” to Margot’s Hickman line (which is the semi-permanent line into her chest), so the plan is to remove the infected line and for temporary cannulas to be put in place whilst she is under general anaesthetic.

The cannulas will permit regular access for blood and also enable Margot to continue to receive IV antibiotics for a few more days, post removal of the Hickman line. We want to ensure that the pseudomonas bug is eradicated once and for all, following which Margot can have another operation to insert a new line (probably a portacath aka a ‘port’). The port is an alternative line which sits under the skin and enables easy & regular blood access.

For now, Margot is back on Elephant Ward where she is wrestling with temperature spikes & fevers.

We are hoping that she will get a slot in theatre today so that the infected line can be removed and that Margot will again be able to overcome this life threatening infection.

Thank you for all your continued support.


9 October 2014

Posted in: Journal